Share Price
Open: 9.57High: 11Low: 9.57Last: 10.15
Close: 10.15Chg: 0.58Chg %: 6.06Volume: 7197094
ISIN: EGS32041C013Sector: Textile & Durables
Shares: 320640809Face Value: 2.00
Net Profit: 89864075EPS: 0.28
PE Ratio: 34.15Market Cap: 3068532542.13
Issued Capital: 641281618 Authorized Capital : 1000000000
Date of listing: 17/09/1995 Starting fiscal year : From 1 JULY Till 30 JUNE
No. of issuances: 2 Auditors : The office of MR/Sherif Mansour Dabous-(Raussel )bedford

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